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Capital Machine

Pivatic and Capital Machine Technologies signed a representation contract for the Southeast United States


We are excited to announce our partnership with Capital Machine Technologies (CMT), a leading distributor of metal fabrication equipment based in Tampa, Florida. CMT will be the exclusive representative of Pivatic’s innovative products in the Southeast United States, including Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas.

As Pivatic’s exclusive partner in the Southeast and beyond, CMT will provide customers with access to Pivatic’s state-of-the-art automation solutions. CMT’s experienced sales team will work closely with customers to determine the best solutions for their needs, and their knowledgeable service technicians will provide ongoing support to ensure optimal performance and productivity.

“We are thrilled to partner with Pivatic to bring their cutting-edge technology to our customers in the Southeast and beyond,” said Jon Kahrl, Bending Product Manager of Capital Machine Technologies. “Pivatic is a leader in the field of manufacturing automation, and we are confident that our customers will benefit greatly from their innovative solutions.“

According to Jan Tapanainen, CEO of Pivatic and President of Pivatic Inc., “We are very pleased to partner with Capital Machine Technologies. With their extensive experience in the industry and their commitment to delivering exceptional sales and service, we are confident that CMT is the right partner to help us expand our presence in the Southeast and beyond. We look forward to working together to help manufacturers achieve greater efficiency, flexibility, and profitability through automation.“

“We know that in US market there is significantly higher potential for automated sheet metal fabrication systems as we have reached last years. I am sure that Capital Machine with their well-established, highly appreciated, and skilled organization, will create us a lot of more business opportunities in coming years” said Mr. Jamie Sims, General Manager of Pivatic Inc.

For more information about Capital Machine Technologies and their full range of metal fabrication equipment, visit

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