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Pivatic-RAS punching and bending automation produces elevator car panels


Pivatic and RAS have recently introduced a strategic co-operation for modular automated sheet metal punching and bending lines. Such a line has now been installed at Shanghai Hyundai Elevator Co. in China.

This world-famous elevator manufacturer streamlined their production that starts from precut blanks buffered in a twin tower storage system. It produces panels completely automated and delivers them directly to a connected downstream assembly line. In addition to punching and bending, also part programming and order management have been automated by a Line Control System. Even under Covid19 pandemic conditions, the remote service system enabled both suppliers to install, train and service the line with the assistance of the Chinese sales agent.

In its new factory, Shanghai Hyundai Elevator decided on the very first flexible automated line for wall panels in China. Compared to elevator door panel lines, the flexibility requirements for wall panels is much higher due to small batch sizes, material types, sheet thicknesses and bending geometries.

Pivatic and RAS are leading Finnish and German specialists for punching and panel bending systems. With their joint approach, they bring to market a seamless sheet metal production line that can start either from coil or blanks. The line concept is based on the very fast and very similar cycle times for punching and bending. This enables both production modules to produce with maximum speed and efficiency.

After the twin tower storage system has delivered the blanks to the entry of the line, a blank feeder checks the material thickness and dimensions and loads the blank to the punching machine. Two independent cassettes with up to 120 Thick Turret tools from A to F sizes punch all programmed holes and notches with 30 tons of force. The material moves through the punching machine in a single run and a sophisticated software calls each punching tool for action at the right moment. This one-direction movement results in an extremely fast and efficient punching sequence.

A part rotator flips the blank after punching and brings the burr side up for the bending. On the 3060 mm panel bender, a MiniFeeder loading system delivers the part to the bending cell. There it gets automatically squared, manipulated, positioned, and bent up and down. The tool setup for different panel dimensions is fully automatic and completed in seconds. A belt runout transfers each wall panel to a downstream welding and assembly line.

In this punching and bending line the system produces elevator wall panels. Other suitable applications are metal doors, shelves, elevator doors, HVAC components, furniture and cabinets, just to name a few.

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