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Products with large openings with over 100% increased efficiency


A large American manufacturer of HVAC products was looking to speed up their manufacturing process with the help of new punching technology. The company had previous experience with a Pivatic punching line installed in 2007, and had been punching some of their parts with the old line. The line delivery however allowed to replace existing standalone Turret Punch Presses to manufacture the parts with large openings with over 100% increased efficiency – reducing cycle times from 4-5 minutes down to 2 minutes. 

Customized solution to meet the client’s needs

The final layout solution for the line was customized based on the experiences from the first punching line. We were able to match the requests for the line with newly developed options in the last decade, or with a few small cost-efficient development projects. A modular line system was chosen to allow the components to be placed so that the space allocation in a cramped production hall would be optimal.

Significant improvement in productivity with new solutions

The highly efficient cycle times compared to previous systems were possible due to fully automated production from coiled sheet metal to punched and formed parts, and with the chosen punching technologies. A standard PivaPunch TT (Thick Turret) station equipped with A-F size tools pre-set in quick change cassettes were used to punch the smaller holes and the perforation needs. An indexable tool was used to prepare the edges for the large openings. A customized PivaPunch HT (Hard Tool or Press Tool) station was used to punch the large opening with 1 hit or 2 hits. For parts with no large openings, the press tooling can be changed to large Thick Turret tooling with forming capabilities. HT Station has two tool activators on both side for increased flexibility.

Read more about Pivatic solutions for the HVAC industry and punching technologies that we offer. 

Are you interested in learning how Pivatic machines can increase your efficiency? Contact us today!

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Customer Satisfaction 2023

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Pivatic latest projects, strategic initiatives, and new investments

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